General-oriented title that came up to qualify for the practising of the job associated to the present studies of Technical Mining Engineering in the majors of Mines and Energetic Resources Exploitation, Fuels and Explosives. This degree title develops the competences linked to these two professional profiles: on the one hand, exploration, research, exploitation, profit, elaboration, transformation and utilisation of the Earth's natural resources (such as rocks and minerals, underground waters, mineral and thermal waters, fuel oil, gas and other resources); on the other hand, generation, transformation, and management of energy through conventional sources or renewable ones. This degree title qualifies for any of the phases of the process.
It also has the aim of preparing those who obtain it either to get the Master or to become a PhD Doctor. In the case of the former, the graduate will be granted access to the Master studies that entitle them for the practise of the job as Mining Engineer, which will allow them to complete their competence in this area. In the case of the latter, graduates will develop their scientific ability by doing the PhD, and they will be able to carry out research and development activities related to Mining Engineering.
It is well-known that the consumption of mineral raw materials has been doubled throughout the last twenty-five years. Besides, the increase in the world's population, together with the growing industrial development of the emerging countries, will double the consumption of energy by the middle of the present century, according to the estimations done by international entities. Therefore, the need for high-level engineers with a proper qualification in these areas, and with the required knowledge, skills and abilities is, and will be, a key factor for the survival of the model of society that we know today. It will be necessary to develop new recycling techniques and to implement them at an industrial level, by applying mineralogy and metallurgy technologies, and by incorporating new technologies that increase the contribution of alternative energies (solar, wind, geo-thermal, biomass, etc.) to the energy mix.