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Welcoming of the Rector

Welcoming of the Rector

Welcoming of the Rector

The Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT) was established in 1998 and as such is the youngest Technical University in Spain. However, Engineering and Business studies have a long tradition in Cartagena: many of our Schools were founded in the beginning of the last century. This union between youth and tradition give us a dynamic and innovative character, but also a well tried one with a solid foundation.

welcome of the rector
From the beginning our University has been committed to international student exchange programs, having sent and received hundreds of students, especially from elsewhere in Europe. Also of note is the large number of postgraduate and PhD students coming from Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking American countries who have continued their university careers and research at the UPCT. Other examples worthy of mention include the fruitful periods of study and research here by African and Asian students.

For all those international students interested in getting to know us and completing their education with us, at whatever level, the International Office has prepared this guide as brief introduction to our world.

I am sure this Guide will be useful to all those who plan to spend time with us. It is a good introduction to the UPCT which surely will help them realise their educational and research goals. But without doubt the hospitality, welcoming character and easy going nature of the people of Cartagena and its University will be most supportive in attaining these goals and a very pleasant surprise.

To all international students, it is a pleasure for me to wish you a warm welcome in the name of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena.

Félix Faura Mateu

© TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CARTAGENA - Pza. del Cronista Isidoro Valverde, Edif. La Milagrosa, CP. 30202 Cartagena (Murcia)

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