3-year Postdoctoral Researcher Positions

Fecha de actualización: 09-01-2025

The Research Group of Quantum Technologies at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena is offering two 3-year Postdoctoral Researcher positions starting February 2025.

Prospective candidates should send a short application (short CV, publication list and motivation letter with the names of two contacts that could potentially provide a reference letter) to javier.cerrillo@upct.es. Candidates should hold a PhD in quantum physics or related topics. Earlier applications are preferred.

Position Details

The Research Group of Quantum Technologies at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena is offering two 3-year Postdoctoral Researcher positions starting February 2025. (Gross Income: over 50k€).

The successful candidate will work on the theory quantum technologies in several platforms: Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond, superconducting circuits (transmons, Josephson junctions, Josephson weak links…), and trapped ions. Projects have a strong connection to applications such as quantum sensing, quantum autonomous control of transport or quantum simulation.

The research group enjoys excellent international recognition, with recent publications in Science and PRL. It coordinates the Horizon Europe project C-QuENS (Capacitation of Quantum Enhanced NV-Center Sensing), bringing together a European consortium of six laboratories. It has recently been awarded a prestigious grant by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA) on the field of quantum simulation with superconducting qubits. The successful candidate is expected to take part on stays at MIT and close collaboration with several of their researchers are anticipated. The group is further supported by two additional grants of the Spanish Research Agency (AEI), including the competitive “Consolidación” Grant.

The researcher will model and design tools for the control and experimentation with NV centres in diamond and superconducting circuits:

  •        Theoretical analysis of NV-center ensembles and their interaction with molecules.
  •        Numerical simulation of sensing NMR protocols for detection of magnetic signals.
  •        Exploration of criticality and dynamical bifurcations of super and semiconducting circuits for harnessing autonomous control of transport.

In addition, the doctoral candidate will be allocated travel funds to attend conferences and visits in one of the laboratories of the European consortium or other collaborators of the research group (MIT, TU Berlin, UC San Diego...).

Prospective candidates should send a short application (short CV, publication list and a motivation letter including the name of two contacts that could potentially provide a reference letter) to javier.cerrillo@upct.es. Candidates should hold a PhD in quantum physics or related topics. Earlier applications are preferred.