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Texts: Maximum length 10 pages, with font size 12 pt and printed with 1.5 spacing, including references and illustrations.

The title should be short and informative of the contents. The names of the authors should be listed in the order they would like to be cited. First the initials of their names, then the surname or surnames they wish to include. Authors affiliations, complete postal and e-mail addresses should be indicated.

A Spanish and English abstract in each language should also be included, as well as 5 key words in each language, in alphabetic order.

The different sections of the text will be titled in unnumbered bold capitals. It is recommended to include the sections INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSIONS. The last section will be REFERENCES.

Original graphics (figures, maps and photographs, etc.), and tables should be prepared to take up the size of 18,5 x 13,5 cm. Should be handed separately of the text, indicating its position on the text. Graphics will only be printed in black and white.

Should the text refers to samples or data, these should be reflected in the corresponding maps, plans or schemes.

References in the text should be cited with the complete surnames used by the authors in the work, in small letters, and listed at the end of the text similarly. Use et al.  for more than three authors. References should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order of authors’ names; journal and book titles should be written out, not abbreviated.


a)  Article in journal:

Heredia, M. y Baltuille, J.M. 1997. Las posibilidades mineras de Cuba en el sector de las Rocas Ornamentales. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 108 (6), 47-52.

Schuster, W. and Thomson, T.J. 1991. Description of the natural factors affecting the environmental conditions in the site of Llandose (Illinois). International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 5 (3), 112-134.

b)    Book:

Didier, J. 1973. Granites and their enclaves. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 393 pp.

c)    Article in an edited book:

Quesada, C. 1983. EL Carbonífero de Sierra Morena. En: Martínez, C. (ed.), Carbonífero y Pérmico de España. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid, 243-278.

d)     Paper presented at meeting:

       Delgado, F., Ovejero, G. y Jacquin, J.P. 1971. Localización estratigráfica y medio paleogeográfico de las mineralizaciones (galena y fluorita) de Sierra de Baza (Granada, España). I Congreso Hispano-Luso-Americano de Geología Económica, Madrid, 2, 119-128.

e)     Unpublished works:

        Author or authors, year and location of the works should be cited.

f)      Web pages:

          In this case the following information should be provided: Title of page, author or authors, editing organisation or institution, place of origin of the server, date of access to information and electronic address both of the web page and the root directory, as well as a contact e-mail.

Kluwer Academic Publishers Information Service (KAPIS), Holanda, 24/03/99, http://www.wkap.nl  e-mail: texhelp@wkap.nl



Registration fees include Congress documentation, the Book of the Records, participation in all working sessions and in the included social acts in the program.
Registration fees are as follows:

SEDPGYM and APAI members……………………..30 Euros
Non Members………………………………………….90 Euros
Students………………………………………………..45 Euros

Inscription fees must have been paid before July 31st 2002. From this date on they will suffer an extra charge of 25%.
Payments will be made by means of check or bank transfer to:

SEDPGYM Account nº: 2100-2879-03-0200234962
(La Caixa C/ Miguel Angel 33, 28003 MADRID)


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