Preparación Acreditación Oficial (B1) |
Mondays and Wednesdays 14.00 - 15.15h |
P1.3 Antigones. |
No requirements |
Preparación Acreditación Oficial (B2) |
Tuesdays and Thursdays 14.00 -15.15h |
P1.7 Antigones. |
Pre-registration course |
Preparación Acreditación Oficial (C1) |
Mondays and Wednesdays 14.00 - 15.15h |
P1.7 Antigones |
Pre-registration course. |
If you are PTGAS and you are interested in attending Preparación Acreditación Oficial (B2) or Preparación Acreditación Oficial (C1) FOR THE FIRST TIME:
- Go to your UPCT Virtual Campus.
- Attach an official certificate (Trinity, Cambridge, etc.) which states that you have passed the level prior to the course you wish to pre-enrol in.
- if you don´t have a certificate, then you must take an English placement test.
To request the placement test:
- Send an email, FROM YOUR UPCT EMAIL ADDRESS, to (the online level test will consist of some listening and reading/writing tasks).
- Escuela Victoria will send you an email with the link to the test.
- You will receive the result.
- Pre-register through your UPCT Virtual Campus (before February 18th) attaching the result.
- You will get an email from Servicio de idiomas(if there are places available and you have fulfilled the requirements) to register.
If you HAVE ALREADY STUDIED WITH US, pre-register through your UPCT Virtual Campus (before February 18th) attaching the result you got from the last course you enrolled.
FEES: free of charge.
Beginning of courses: Frebuary 18th.
End of courses: May 28th.
En estos cursos, tendrán preferencia los alumnos. Solo en el caso de que queden plazas vacantes, estas serán adjudicadas por orden de pre-inscripción al PTGAS interesado.
El PTGAS podrá inscribirse siempre y cuando la actividad se lleve a cabo fuera de su horario de obligado cumplimiento. En ningún caso computará a efectos de horario de trabajo.