8- 2012-2014. FP7-249685.
CIRCLE-2 "Climate Impact
Research & Response Coordination for a Larger Europe" Seventh Framework Program of EU.
Climate Change Impacts and Responses. Consortium: 23 countries; 20 partners;
14 colaborators. From:
01/May/2010 to: 30/Apr/2014. Project cost: 2.27 M€. EU Financial
support: 2 M€.
Coordinator: T. Capela (FFCUL, Portugal). Scientific Collaborator
MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain): S.G.
García Galiano
9- 2005-2009. FP6-004089AMMA
Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis"Sixth Framework Programme of EU. Climate dynamics and
variability, Hot spots in the earth system.
Integrated Project.Consortium: 59
Institutions. From: 01/01/2005 to: 31/12/2009. Main
researcher: S.G. García
Galiano. Coordinator: Jan Polcher (CNRS, Francia). UPCT
Researchers: 4 (S.G. García, A. Baille,
V. Martínez, M. González).
Financial support:
13M€ (UPCT 0.122M€)
12- 2014.EXTERNO_CMN37/38. Convenio UM-UPCT. Campus Transfronterizo en desertización y uso eficiente del agua. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Desde: 01/01/2014; hasta:
31/12/2014. Coordinador: José Manuel Ferrández Vicente (UPCT). Inv. Participantes (UPCT, 5): García Galiano, S.G. Financiación: 78944 €
13- 2016-cont.IDEaRM "Spatial Data Infrastructure of Agriculture and Water of the Murcia Region"Consejería de Agua, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente: Dirección General de Innovación Agroalimentaria - IMIDA (Murcia, Spain),
European Commission, FEDER funds (FEDER).Desde 01/01/2016 hasta: continúa. Coordinator: Erena Arrabal, M. (IMIDA). Researcher (UPCT): García Galiano, S.G.
- Participant
14- 2010-2013. FP7-245159.
SIRRIMED "Sustainable Use of
Irrigation Water in the Mediterranean Region" Seventh Framework Program of EU. Call
KBBE-2009-1-2-03. From: 2010-07-01
to: 2013-12-31.
Consortium (14 partners): Egipt:
NRC; Spain: AFRE;
UPCT; France: INRA; Greece:
CERETETH; Netherlands:
IVM-VU; Italy: CER; Lebanon:
LRA, DEB; Morocco:
(UPCT partner):
González Real, M. (GRH Group
Researcher: S.G.
García Galiano). UPCT researchers: 10. Project
cost: 4.3M€
Financial support:
3M€ (UPCT: 0.358M€)
16- 2009-2011.INTERREG IV B.
SOE1-P2-E082. TELERIEG. "Use of Remote
Sensing for the Recommendation and Monitoring of Irrigation Practices
in the SUDOE Space".– SUDOE (UE).
Autónoma de la Región de Murcia(CARM). Consejería
de Agricultura y Agua.
9 partners: Spain: IMIDA, IVIA, IRTA, CIHEAM-IAMZ; France: ACMG,
ANPN, CEMAGREF; Portugal: COTR, ISA. 17 Colaborating Institutions.
Manuel Erena (IMIDA). UPCT Colaborating Institution (GRH
Group Researcher: S.G.
García Galiano). From:
01/04/2009 to: 31/12/2011. Project
cost: 1.8M€. (see Agreements).
17- 2010-2012. Ref. PO07-022.Application
of remote sensing in the framework of water resources management in the
Segura River Basin. Programa Operativo FEDERMURCIA 2007-2013, Comunidad
Autónoma de la Región de Murcia (CARM). Instituto Murciano de
Investigación Agraria y Alimentaria (IMIDA). Main
researcher: M. Erena (IMIDA). Collaborator: S.G. García
18- 2009-2010. Ref. 08715/PI/08. "Development and evaluation of
spatio-temporal monitoring system of real evaporation. Application to
Segura River Basin".
Autónoma de la
Región de Murcia.
UPCT. From: 01/01/2009 to: 31/12/2010.
researcher: Alain
Baille. Researchers: 5 (A. Baille, M. González, V.
Martínez, M.
Górriz Bernardo and S.G. García)
Financial support: 42200 €
19- 2002-2005. IEH PI/13. "Hydrological
Geomorphological Response to Fluvial-Torrential Systems affected by
Hydrological-Forest Restauration in Semiarid Basins of South East of
Spain". Fundación
Instituto Euromediterráneo de
Hidrotecnia (IEH). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Universidad de Murcia. From: 2002 to: 2005.
Coordinator: Victor Castillo (IP). Carmelo Conesa (IP).
S.G. García. Researchers: 10. Financial
65000 €
Complementary Actions and Others
- Main Researcher
20- 2017 "XVII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección (AET)". Co-financiado por Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y
Tecnología de la Región de Murcia con cargo al Programa Jímenez de la
Espada” de Movilidad, Cooperación e InternacionalizaciónDesde: 03/Oct/2017 hasta:07/Oct/2017.
Investigador principal/Coorganizador: S.G. García Galiano. Organizador: Manuel Erena Arrabal (IMIDA)
21- 2015 "International Meeting: Improving Water Accounting at the Basin Scale". Co-funded by Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y
Tecnología de la Región de Murcia con cargo al Programa Jímenez de la
Espada” de Movilidad, Cooperación e InternacionalizaciónFrom: 23/Feb/2015 to:24/Feb/2015.
Main researcher: S.G. García Galiano.
23- 2008.
Séneca Congress. "Workshop:
International Colaboration in Studies of Climate Change and its
Interaction with Regional Water Resources". Fundación
Séneca. UPCT. From:
24/Nov/2008 to: 28/Nov/2008. Main researcher: S.G.
García Galiano. Funding: 2500 €
24- 2007. Ref.
CF32. "Impulse
to international
cooperation in studies of climate change and impacts on regional water
resources (Argentina)". State Secretary of International
Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation. UPCT. From:
15/12/2007 to: 31/12/2007.
researcher: S.G.
García Galiano. Funding: 1900 € (BOE
nº 297 12 Dic 2007). - Participant
2008. Ref. 01023/SCYT/08 Project of Week of
Science 2008. Séneca Foundation,
Regional Agency for Science and Technology (Murcia), and FCT-08-0295
of Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. Collaborator: S.G.
García Galiano.
of AMMA European Project, Niamey, Niger. Niger River,
Niamey. Dust storm.