

R&D Projects and Complementary Actions in Open Call (from 2002) 


- Main Researcher

1- 2019-2021. Ref. 20820/PI/18. "Assessment and improvement of precipitation estimates from remote sensing in the case of extreme events in Mediterranean Ephemeral Channels: Application in the Rambla del Albujón (EXTREMA)". Fundación SENECA. Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. From: 01/04/2019  to: 31/03/2021 (24 meses). Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT).
Main Researcher: Sandra G. García Galiano (UPCT, ES). Researchers: 5 Budget: 43900 €.

2- 2015-2018. Ref. 19527/PI/14.
"Assessment and proposals to improve the prevention, protection and preparation to floods in the Alto Guadalentín and tributaries: Implications in the design of hydraulic infrastructures". Fundación SENECA. Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. Desde: 01/07/2015  hasta: 31/12/2018 (42 months). Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT).
Main Researcher: Sandra G. García Galiano (UPCT, ES). UPCT Researchers: 3 Budget: 19800 €.

3-2016-2018. Ref. 20023/SF/16.
"Analysis and diagnosis on the prevention, protection and preparation to extreme floods in the Alto Guadalentin and Campo de Cartagena: Potential of near real time satellite information". Fundación SENECA. Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. From: 29/09/2016  to: 28/09/2018. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT).
Main Researcher: Sandra G. García Galiano (UPCT, ES). UPCT Researchers: 2 Budget: 78000 €.

4- 2013-2015. EC-DG ENV. Grant n° 07.0329/2013/671258/SUB/C1.
ASSET "Accounting System for the Segura River and Transfers". European Commisssion, Directorate-General Environment (EC-DG ENV). ENV.D.1 - Protection of Water Resources. Desertification 2012-2013. Halting Desertification in Europe. Desde: 31/12/2013  hasta: 31/03/2015. Consorcio (2 países; 4 partners): España: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT); Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura (CHS); FutureWater; Francia: Samui FR;
Coordinadora: Sandra G. García Galiano (UPCT, ES). Investigadores participantes UPCT: 3 (S.G. García Galiano, A. Baille; F. Alcón). Costo Proyecto: 198012 €. Financiación: 148510 €.
. ASSET Final Report, published by EC
. Outcome: Contribution in Water Balance Guidelines of EC

5- 2013-2015. FP7-603959.
ENSOCIO-LA "Strategic, Sustainable R&I Cooperation with Latin America (Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials)". FP7 ENV.2013.6.5-4 Knowledge platforms, networking and uptake of research results for more strategic international R&I cooperation. UPCT. From: 01/05/2013  to: 30/04/2015. Consortium (11 countries; 14 partners): France: Samui; Czech Republic: Metcenas; Spain: UPCT; Germany: DLR, Fraunhofer, HZDR; Argentina: MINCyT; Chile: CONYCIT, CICITEM, Colombia: COLCIENCIAS; Mexico: CONACYT; Sweden: IVL, Trinidad/Tobago: CARIRI; Brasil: IAI.
Main researcher: S.G. García Galiano.  Coordinator: Mark Morris (Samui, FR). Researchers UPCT: 3 (S.G. García Galiano; A. Baille; M. González Real; P. Olmos Giménez). Financial support: 1M€.

6- 2013-2015. CGL2012-39895-C02-01. CGL2012-39895-C02-01. HYDROCLIM "Assessment of Hydroclimatic Variability from Regional Climate Multimodel Ensemble". R&D Project of National Plan. Thematic Area of Earth Sciences and Water Resources. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Spain. UPCT. From: 01/01/2013 to: 31/12/2015. EPOs: Dirección General de Salud Pública (Consejería de Sanidad, Región de Murcia). Dirección General de Seguridad Ciudadana y Emergencias (Consejería de Presidencia de la Región de Murcia). Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDA). With collaboration of AEMET, Spain.
Main researcher: S.G. García Galiano. Researchers: 4 (UPCT: S.G. García; A. Baille; B. Martín; P. Olmos and IMIDA: M. Erena, P. García). Financial support: 66690 €.

7- 2009-2012. CGL2008-02530/BTE. EVISA "Evaluation of drought impacts and soil use changes in water cycle: data assimilation in hydrological modelling". Ministry of Science and Innovation. Spain. UPCT. From: 01/01/2009 to: 30/06/2012.
Main researcher
: S.G. García Galiano. Researchers: 7 (UPCT: S.G. García, A. Baille, F. Alhama, M. Tanguy; e IMIDA: M. Erena, et al.)  EPOs: CHS and AEMET. Financial support: 68970 €. Geoportal

8- 2012-2014. FP7-249685.
CIRCLE-2 "Climate Impact Research & Response Coordination for a Larger Europe" Seventh Framework Program of EU. FP7-ENV. ERA-NET on Climate Change Impacts and Responses. Consortium: 23 countries; 20 partners; 14 colaborators. From: 01/May/2010  to: 30/Apr/2014. Project cost: 2.27 M€. EU Financial support: 2 M€.
Coordinator: T. Capela (FFCUL, Portugal). Scientific Collaborator MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain): S.G. García Galiano

9- 2005-2009. FP6-004089 AMMA "African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis"  Sixth Framework Programme of EU. Climate dynamics and variability, Hot spots in the earth system. Integrated Project.Consortium: 59 Institutions. From: 01/01/2005 to: 31/12/2009.
Main researcher: S.G. García Galiano. Coordinator: Jan Polcher (CNRS, Francia). UPCT Researchers: 4 (S.G. García, A. Baille, V. Martínez, M. González). Financial support: 13M€ (UPCT 0.122M€)

10- 2008-2009. "Analysis of variability and trends in the frequency and severity of precipitation extremes events from Regional Climate Models projections: Segura River basin"Fundación Instituto Euromediterráneo del Agua. Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. UPCT. From: 10/10/2008  to: 16/04/2009.
Main researcher: S.G. García Galiano.  Researchers: 2.  Financial support: 25000 €

11-2002-2005. REN2002-02199.
DYUNUT "Development of new technologies of flood simulation and forecasting in real-time". Ministry of Science and Technology. UPCT. From: 01/10/2002  to: 30/09/2005.
Main researcher
: Sandra G. García Galiano. Researchers: 2 (S.G. García, V. Martínez Alvarez). Financial support: 85100 €

12- 2014. EXTERNO_CMN37/38. Convenio UM-UPCT. Campus Transfronterizo en desertización y uso eficiente del agua. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Desde: 01/01/2014; hasta: 31/12/2014.
Coordinador: José Manuel Ferrández Vicente (UPCT). Inv. Participantes (UPCT, 5): García Galiano, S.G. Financiación: 78944 €

13- 2016-cont. IDEaRM "Spatial Data Infrastructure of Agriculture and Water of the Murcia Region" Consejería de Agua, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente: Dirección General de Innovación Agroalimentaria - IMIDA (Murcia, Spain), European Commission, FEDER funds (FEDER).Desde 01/01/2016 hasta: continúa.
Coordinator: Erena Arrabal, M. (IMIDA). Researcher (UPCT): García Galiano, S.G.

- Participant

14- 2010-2013.
FP7-245159. SIRRIMED "Sustainable Use of Irrigation Water in the Mediterranean Region"   Seventh Framework Program of EU. Call KBBE-2009-1-2-03. From: 2010-07-01 to:  2013-12-31.
Consortium (14 partners):
Egipt: NRC; Spain: AFRE; CSIC-CEBAS, EIC, UCO, UPCT; France: INRA; Greece: CERETETH; Netherlands: IVM-VU; Italy: CER; Lebanon: LRA, DEB; Morocco: IAV-CHA, SAPIAMA; UK: LEC.
Coordinator: Alarcón, J.J. (CEBAS-CSIC).
Main researcher (UPCT partner): González Real, M. (GRH Group Researcher: S.G. García Galiano). UPCT researchers: 10. Project cost: 4.3M€  Financial support: 3M€ (UPCT: 0.358M€)

15- 2011-2012. EC-DG ENV, Grant nº 241559 . REDSIM "REmote-Sensing based DSS for Sustainable Drougth-Adapted Irrigation Management". European Commission. Directorate-General Environment (EC-DG ENV). Budget line: 07 03 16. Desertification 2009-2010. Pilot project on development of prevention activities to halt desertification in Europe.
Consortium (5 partners): UPCT, CSIC-CEBAS, UCO, IMIDA, AFRE. Associated Institutions: CHS, FENACORE, CAG.
From: 01/01/2011 to: 30/06/2012.
Coordinator: Baille, A. (UPCT).
(GRH Group Researcher S.G. García Galiano). Project cost: 0.723M€. Financial support: 0.535M€

16- 2009-2011. INTERREG IV B. SOE1-P2-E082.   TELERIEG. "Use of Remote Sensing for the Recommendation and Monitoring of Irrigation
Practices in the SUDOE Space". SUDOE (UE). INTERREG IV B. Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia(CARM). Consejería de Agricultura y Agua.
Consortium: 9 partners: Spain: IMIDA, IVIA, IRTA,
CIHEAM-IAMZ; France: ACMG, ANPN, CEMAGREF; Portugal: COTR, ISA. 17 Colaborating Institutions.
Coordinator: Manuel Erena (IMIDA). UPCT Colaborating Institution
(GRH Group Researcher: S.G. García Galiano).
From: 01/04/2009 to: 31/12/2011. Project cost: 1.8M€. (see Agreements).

17- 2010-2012. Ref. PO07-022.Application of remote sensing in the framework of water resources management in the Segura River Basin. Programa Operativo FEDERMURCIA 2007-2013, Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia (CARM). Instituto Murciano de Investigación Agraria y Alimentaria (IMIDA). Main researcher: M. Erena (IMIDA). Collaborator: S.G. García Galiano.

18- 2009-2010. Ref. 08715/PI/08. "Development and evaluation of spatio-temporal monitoring system of real evaporation. Application to Segura River Basin". Fundación Séneca. Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. UPCT. From: 01/01/2009 to: 31/12/2010.
Main researcher
: Alain Baille.  Researchers: 5 (A. Baille, M. González, V. Martínez, M. Górriz Bernardo and S.G. García)  Financial support: 42200 €

19- 2002-2005. IEH PI/13. "Hydrological and Geomorphological Response to Fluvial-Torrential Systems affected by Hydrological-Forest Restauration in Semiarid Basins of South East of Spain". Fundación Instituto Euromediterráneo de Hidrotecnia (IEH). Consejo Superior  de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Universidad de Murcia. From:  2002  to: 2005. Main researcher: Coordinator: Victor Castillo (IP). Carmelo Conesa (IP). Collaborator: S.G. García. Researchers: 10. Financial support: 65000 €

Complementary Actions and Others

- Main Researcher

20- 2017 "XVII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección (AET)". Co-financiado por Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia con cargo al Programa Jímenez de la Espada” de Movilidad, Cooperación e InternacionalizaciónDesde: 03/Oct/2017 hasta:07/Oct/2017.
Investigador principal/Coorganizador: S.G. García Galiano. Organizador: Manuel Erena Arrabal (IMIDA)

21- 2015 "International Meeting: Improving Water Accounting at the Basin Scale". Co-funded by Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia con cargo al Programa Jímenez de la Espada” de Movilidad, Cooperación e InternacionalizaciónFrom: 23/Feb/2015 to:24/Feb/2015.
Main researcher: S.G. García Galiano.

22- 2008-2009. CGL2008-01187-E/BTE "Workshop: International Colaboration in Studies of Climate Change and its Interaction with Regional Water Resources". Ministry of Science and Innovation. Complementary Action. UPCT. From: 15/Nov/2008 to: 15/May/2009.
Main researcher: S.G. García Galiano. Researchers (4): S. G. García (UPCT),  A. Baille (UPCT), M.V. Venencio (UNL, Argentina), N. García (UNL, Argentina).
Funding: 3000 €

23- 2008. Séneca Congress. "Workshop: International Colaboration in Studies of Climate Change and its Interaction with Regional Water Resources"Fundación Séneca. UPCT. From: 24/Nov/2008 to: 28/Nov/2008.
Main researcher: S.G. García Galiano. Funding: 2500 €

24- 2007. Ref. CF32. "Impulse to international cooperation in studies of climate change and impacts on regional water resources (Argentina)". State Secretary of International Cooperation. Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation. UPCT. From: 15/12/2007  to: 31/12/2007.
Main researcher
: S.G. García Galiano. Funding: 1900 € (BOE nº  297 12 Dic 2007).

- Participant

25- 2009.
Ref. 09107/PCC/08. Una sociedad impregnada por la Ciencia.  Fundación Séneca. From: 01/01/2009 to: 30/06/2009.
Main researcher: C. Alcaraz Tomás.
(:Researcher from GGRH S.G. García Galiano)

26- 2008. Ref. 01023/SCYT/08 Project of Week of Science 2008. Séneca Foundation, Regional Agency for Science and Technology (Murcia), and FCT-08-0295 of Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. Collaborator: S.G. García Galiano.

Workshop of AMMA European Project, Niamey, Niger.  Niger River, Niamey. Dust storm.