Department of Thermal and Fluid Engineering


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The Department of Thermal and Fluid Engineering was established in 1999 and consists of two areas: Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engines.

Currently classes are given at many of the University schools, covering a wide range of topics, ranging from the thermodynamic or fluid mechanics basics to more advance subjects, such as: Design of Thermal and Fluid facilities, Applied Thermodynamics, Thermal Engines and Fluid Turbomachinery, Industrial Heat Transfer and Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Industrial Ventilation, Renewable Energy, etc, are just a few of the disciplines subject to our attention.

Our Department has the infrastructure and necessary experience to carry out R&D + I tasks, to complete the training of specialists in all of these areas. It also has complete scientific-technical documentation, and more importantly, competent and motivated human resources to give back to society its successful and guaranteed knowledge.


Contact Information

Campus Muralla del Mar.

Ala Este. Planta 2ª.

C/ Doctor Fleming, s/n. 30202.


Teléfono 968 325980
Correo Electrónico
Directory of Departament
Head of Department: Joaquín Zueco Jordán Correo Electró Teléfono968 325989
Secretary of Department: Alberto García Pinar Correo Electró Teléfono968 32983
Administration: Isabel Dolores Carvajal Bastida Correo Electró Teléfono968 325980
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Pza. del Cronista Isidoro Valverde, Edif. La Milagrosa, CP. 30202 Cartagena.
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