Francisco Garcia Cordova
Antonio Guerrero González
A Biologically Inspired Neural Network for Autonomous Underwater Vehicules |
Advances in Computational Intelligence - Lecture Notes In Computer Science |
166-173 |
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01/06/2011 |
Antonio Guerrero González
Juan Carlos Molina Molina
Pedro Jose Ayala Bernal
Francisco Jose Zamora Ayala
A pendrictive control System for Concret Plants. Applicacion of RBF Neuronal Networks for Reduce Dosing Inaccuracies |
Advanced in Intelligent and Soft Computing |
137-145 |
Alemania |
04/03/2011 |
Antonio Guerrero González
Francisco Garcia Cordova
Francisco Ruz Vila
A Solar Powered Autonomus Mobile Vehicule for Monitoring and Surveillance Missions of Long Duration |
Internatinal Review of Electronical Engineering-IREE |
1580-1587 |
Price Worthy Prize S.R.L. |
Italia |
01/07/2010 |
Francisco Garcia Cordova
Antonio Guerrero González
Fulgencio Marín García
Neural Control Systems for Autonomus Vehicules |
Enciclopedia of Artificial Intelligence |
1197-1204 |
Information Science Reference |
España |
01/05/2008 |
Francisco Garcia Cordova
Antonio Guerrero González
Fulgencio Marín García
Neural Architecture for Reactive and Adaptive Navigation of a Mobile Robot |
Computational and Ambient Intelligence - LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE |
830-838 |
Alemania |
01/09/2007 |
Francisco Garcia Cordova
Antonio Guerrero González
Fulgencio Marín García
Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Neuro-controller for Trajectory Tracking of Nonholonomic |
Nature Inpired Problem-Solving Methods in Knowledge Engineering - LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE |
459-468 |
Alemania |
01/06/2007 |
Juan Luis Pedreño Molina
Antonio Guerrero González
Juan Calabozo Morán
Juan Lopez Coronado
A Neural Tactile Architecture Applied to Real-time Stiffness Estimation for a Large Scale of Robotic Grasping Systems |
311-323 |
Holanda |
21/03/2007 |
Antonio Guerrero González
Juan Luis Pedreño Molina
Juan Lopez Coronado
Modelos de Control Visuo-Motor. Aplicaciones a la Robótica Antropomorfa |
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Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena |
España |
01/05/2003 |
Antonio Guerrero González
Francisco Garcia Cordova
Javier Gilabert Cervera
A biologically inspired neural network for Navigation with Obstacle Avoidence in Autonomous Underwater and Surface vehicles |
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07/06/2011 |
Antonio Guerrero González
Francisco Garcia Cordova
Javier Gilabert Cervera
Victor Moreno Oropesa
A biologically inspired Neural Controller based on Self Organitation Direction Mapping Network for UVs on Oceanogrphics Missions |
5th Ego Meeting and Glider School |
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Gran Canarias
14/03/2011 |
Francisco Garcia Cordova
Antonio Guerrero González
A Biologically Inspired Neural Network for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles |
2010-Funtional Neurobiology in Minibrains |
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Saint Feliu de Guixols
17/10/2010 |
Javier Busquets
Antonio Guerrero González
Javier Gilabert Cervera
Francisco Garcia Cordova
Re-Construction of an AUV as a Platform for Oceanographic Research and a Test bed for Implementation of Control Systems based on Neurobiological Networks |
AUV2010 |
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(Estados Unidos de América)
03/09/2010 |