2015-2017. "Characterisation of the heat transfer and pressure drop in compact evaporators and condensers", 19501/PI/14, Funded by Fundación Séneca, Region of Murcia, Spain and the support of the European Regional Development Fund.
2013. "Recovery of the CO2 obtained in the biomethanetion of waste for its use in the logistics of cold transportation", AEI-010300-2012-145, Funded by the Ministery of Industry, Energy and Turism, Spain..
2010-2012. "Diseño e implementación de un software numérico para la estimación de propiedades termo-físicas dependientes de la temperatura en medios sólidos y líquidos", ENE2009-12117, Funded the Ministry of Science, Spain.
2009-2010. "Experimental evaluation of the temperature dependency of the thermal properties of solid materials. Special applications", 08704/PI/08. Funded by Fundación Séneca Agengy, Region of Murcia, Spain..