4th World Congress on Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles and Nano-Bio



  Centre for Electrochemistry and Intelligent Materials

 5th World Congress web

Conference Committee
Technical Program
Guidelines and submission of abstract
Invited Lecturers
Papers Publication
Lectures slides
Location & Travel

    Deadline for abstract submission delayed to September 8, 2007.

    Giving full satisfaction to inquirers for a delay of the deadline abstract submission due to the summer vacation times, this date is delayed until September 8. Abstracts sent after this date will not be included in the abstract book.

    Taking into account the originality and high level of the presented abstract we are planning to publish a book (with ISBN) including several chapters from some lectures and selected communications and the extended papers.

    Fill out the submission form  with the author names and contact information for the corresponding author, and type your abstract on the second page of the document according to the template.  The corresponding author is expected to participate in the Conference.

    The submission form and abstract should be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document (*.doc) and emailed to nanobio@upct.es by September 8, 2007. Abstracts sent by post or fax will not be accepted.

    After submission, you will receive a confirmation email.  The Organizing Committee reserves the right to accept or reject papers and assign them to invited, oral or poster presentations. After the review process, you will be informed about the acceptance and presentation mode of your abstract.

    Papers Publication

    Congress template-file.doc

    Abstract format:


    One A4 (297 x 210 mm) page.

    Font type:

    Times New Roman 11 point.

    Line spacing:

    Title and text must be single-spaced.


    Centered, bold capital letters.


    Left justified, presenting author underlined.

    Affiliation and full address:

    Left justified, italic, 11 point. In the case of different affiliations of the authors, specify with superscript a, b, etc.

    E-mail of corresponding author.

    Main text:

    Left and right justified, unintended.


    Located with the text, in jpg format.


    Placed in square brackets [1, 2, ...] in the text and cited at the bottom of the abstract.

    Size file

    Not larger than 8 MB.




Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

                           Región de Murcia
Consejería de Educación, Ciencia e Investigación
Dirección General de Universidades