4th World Congress on Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles and Nano-Bio



  Centre for Electrochemistry and Intelligent Materials

5th World Congress web

Conference Committee
Technical Program
Guidelines and submission of abstract
Invited Lecturers
Papers Publication
Lectures slides
Location & Travel

         ACADEMIC CEREMONY                                            

        Nomination of Prof. Osada      





    All the people attending the Congress are invited to attend, at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, the most brilliant of the academic ceremonies in Spanish Universities: the nomination of the first foreign Honorary Doctor of our young University. The ceremony follows the same traditions, methodologies and Latin text from the middle age.


    All those Doctors dressing an official academic dress from their own universities are invited to take part of the Dr entourage and procession, with the Rector, academic and political authorities and doctors dressed with the academic dresses. The procession goes around the cloister until the Aula Magna, where all the other invited and the academic chorus is waiting. The ceremony starts and finish with medieval academic songs by the chorus.

    After the ceremony Spanish wines, cool drinks and Spanish food (pinchos and tapas) will be served at the cloister patio.  

    Attendance confirmation, with academic dress, or without academic dress is required at least one week in advance, in order to organize both, the procession and the seat reservation.




Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

                           Región de Murcia
Consejería de Educación, Ciencia e Investigación
Dirección General de Universidades